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Our Calling is to resource and bless the body of Christ with resources that help along the journey towards 24-7, 365 day/year prayer. The goal is to revive the church and to rewire culture through prayer. These resources are free and can be accessed for download/streaming.

Pray for Pupils and Teachers

This guide was created to help you pray for schools, teachers, and students of all ages. You can use it to inform your own private prayer, or as the basis for praying together as a group. 

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Pray for Peace in Israel and Gaza

Resources to help you pray for the conflict in Israel and Gaza.


Pray for 16 Days of Activism against Gender Based Violence in South Africa

This guide was created for the16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence (GBV) from 25 Nov – 10 Dec. Specifically speaking into the situation in South Africa.

Pray for SA in 2025

How to join us and commit to praying for SA for a week in 2025. See the Prayer page for more details. 

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The Prayer Room Starter Pack

Learn about what kind of prayer stations can go into a prayer room and choose from a range of different prayer activities.


How to Run a 24-7 Prayer Room 

Download the full 18-page guide, a free step-by-step resource covering every aspect of setting up your prayer room, spreading the word, and getting your community involved.

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Advent Prayer

Ways to pray through Advent and Christmas individually, as a family, and with your community.

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New Advent Prayer Activities 

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Daily Devotionals in Lectio 365 throughout December

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Family prayers for Advent from Lectio for Families

Pray for Peace and an End to War

This prayer guide has been created to help you pray for peace, an end to war and for peaceful solutions to violent conflict. There are also creative prayer activities that can be used as prayer stations in a 24-7 Prayer Room or in a prayer meeting, church service, or classroom.


Pray for Elections

Elections are an important time to partner with God and pray for our future leaders.  This prayer guide and activities have been created to help you and your community pray for change that is only possible with God’s intervention. You can use these guides to pray for local or national elections, in your own nation or in another country. National elections are expected in at least 64 countries in 2024. 


Pray for Reconciliation

This prayer guide has been created to help you pray for reconciliation. In your own heart and for your community and nation. This guide will be used over 50 days from the 16 June to 5 August 2024 but you can pick it up at any time. There are also creative prayer activities that can be used as prayer stations in a 24-7 Prayer Room or in a prayer meeting, church service, or classroom.

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