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Matt Lewis

Of all the ways to describe the effects of a broken society on our seeking souls, alone might be one of the best of them.

In more ways than could be named in a post like this, we have been corralled into a way of being in the world that hyper-individualizes pretty much everything.

Try greeting your neighbor next time you’re on the subway if you don’t believe me. This has all kinds of problematic consequences for a people who are made for one another, not least of which is the way it keeps us from sharing the burden of our collective need. Which, is a problem if we’re wanting to follow Jesus because loving your neighbour is, in His mind, essential to walking His way.

Here is a clip from #thefollowerpodcast with Dani Scott (@dani_scott97) and Brandon Brand as they remind us the poverty is not an individual problem.

It is a collective concern.

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